Do’s and don’ts of co-sleeping with your baby

Co-sleeping technically is defined as sleeping in very close proximity to your baby in the same room. It could be on the same bed or same room. Bed-sharing is sharing the same sleeping place. So, bed-sharing can be one way of co-sleeping. This practice has been running through ages. Its tradition could be due to cultural reasons, ease of nursing and attending the baby, promoting emotional bonding, single parenting, spouse away for work and space issues.
There are pros and cons of this ritual and certain points need to be considered if it is the only option. However, as per The American Academy Of Paediatrics in the U.S. co-sleeping with infants less than 4months should always be avoided. The AAP cites that there are many incidences related to the death of the infant whilst asleep like SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), accidental suffocation, and strangulation in bed.
You, as parents, would not like to leave the baby alone even for one second. The kind of love and gentle care you shower is highly commendable, but certain dos and don’ts need to be kept in mind in order to continue this practice. I am sure that you would like to gather more information on this topic. So, today we at Mommypure are glad to present all the data that you need to know about safe cosleeping with baby.

Situations where co sleep with baby has to be completely avoided:
- When either of the parents has a smoking habit
- Occasional or heavy drinking routine
- Use of any medication that causes sleepiness
- Premature/low birth weight babies
- Sleeping on sofa/recliner/chair/divan/couch/armchair/uneven lumpy bedding
- If any of the parents are tired or unwell
Downside of co-sleeping
- Missing out the baby’s “sleep window” time
- Increase incidence of sleep aids such as the need to swing/rock/nurse/sing/pat/walk around to bring them back to sleep
- Regular bedtime may get disrupted if the parents are busy with screen time/book reading
- Chances of getting playful at the time when they should be sleeping
- The sleep quality of all those sharing the bed gets poor
- Baby settling time may get prolonged
- Sleep duration gets hampered
- Marital relationship starts getting the brunt
- Most important of all, the objects like soft toys, pillows, rolling over of any parent can lead to suffocation, injury, and death
And now, if co-sleeping is unquestionable in your lives and concurrently you want to ensure every possible safety and care for your baby, just have a look below. Mommypure wants to give a good backing on this matter so that all turns out to be safe and goes well in the longer run.
Bed arrangements:
Place one side of the bed adjacent to the wall taking care of no gaps, edges, or cut-outs. If the cot is fixed, place the safety barrier at the edge. Also, the safety of the head/footboard should be duly borne in mind.
The mattress should be firm and sturdy. Avoid waterbeds or soft fillings or underlays. The pillow, blanket, sheet, quilt, comforters, etc. should be placed away from the baby area of sleeping. If any quilt has to be used make sure that it’s light and comfortable.
Baby wrap:
Never drape your baby with any cloth. Sleepwear should be comfortable and nominal to avoid sweating or overheating. Take care that the baby’s head isn’t covered either.
Separate Space:
Considering a crib or bedside sleeper is the best way to co sleep with new born so that your baby can be nearby and safe as well.

Clutter-free zone:
Always keep the area of the baby clean and clutter-free. Soft toy/teether/rattle/feeding bottle/diaper/mobile phone/charger/glasses/water jar/draperies/blinds, etc should be far away from the baby.
Mommy Stuff:
If the mommy has long hair, it should be tied well. The jewellery should be away from the bed.
Baby’s area:
Place the baby next to anyone parent and avoid letting him/her sleep in between. Pets on the bed should be a big NO
Have a safe and love filled CO-SLEEPING!